

英 [hʌld]
美 [hʌld]


  • adj.


  • 英英释义

    hull[ hʌld ]

    • n.
      • dry outer covering of a fruit or seed or nut
      • persistent enlarged calyx at base of e.g. a strawberry or raspberry
      • United States naval officer who commanded the `Constitution' during the War of 1812 and won a series of brilliant victories against the British (1773-1843)

        同义词:Isaac Hull

      • United States diplomat who did the groundwork for creating the United Nations (1871-1955)

        同义词:Cordell Hull

      • a large fishing port in northeastern England

        同义词:Kingston-upon Hull

      • the frame or body of ship
    • v.remove the hulls from

      "hull the berries"



    ship hull船体

    convex hull[计]凸包;凸壳

    rice hull稻壳;稻谷壳;粗糠

    hull cell赫尔电池;薄膜电池

    hull girder相当桁;主船体桁,船桁体

    hull form船型,船体外型

    pressure hull耐压壳体

    hull insurance船身保险

    hull construction船体结构,船体构造

    hull steel船用钢;造船钢;船体钢



    1. Hulled wheat boiled in milk and flavored with sugar and spices.
    2. Rice is gathered, cleaned and hulled before being sold.
    3. "Rice is gathered, cleaned and hulled before being sold."


    Mono hulled power boat convertible to twin or triple hulled operation
    Acoustic transducer assembly for aluminum hulled vessels
    Chromosome location of the gene for the hulled character in the Tibetan weedrace of common wheat
    Polymeric Procyanidins as Radical-Scavenging Components in Red-Hulled Rice
    Characterisation of the phospholipid fraction of hulled and naked tetraploid and hexaploid wheats
    From staple crop to extinction? The archaeology and history of the hulled wheats
    Effects of storage conditions on quality loss of hull-less and hulled oats and barley.
    Groat yield and plant stand structure of naked and hulled oat under different nitrogen fertilizer and seeding rates.
    Effects of nitrogen fertilization on lysine, threonine, and methionine of hulled and hull-less barley cultivars.
    Environmental factors of celiac disease: cytotoxicity of hulled wheat species Triticum monococcum, T. turgidum ssp. dicoccum and T...